Care4Me Clinics

A Q&A with Kajal Malkan, MPAS PA-C, Physician Assistant and Owner of Care4Me Clinics located in Brookfield, Wisconsin.

Q: Describe Care4Me Clinics.
A: Care4Me Clinics is a Family Medicine Direct Primary Care Clinic focused on affordable and transparent care.  We achieve this by offering a low monthly subscription for families and small businesses. The value is generated from simplified billing without insurance involvement and direct access to our medical staff.  Simply put, Netflix for Family Health Care, instead of the old “blockbuster movie rental model.”

Q: What sets your company apart?
A: Care4Me Clinics focuses on affordable and dedicated care for the patient without having to worry about insurance claims or administrative paperwork. The emphasis is on transparent care with transparent pricing.

Q: What are your biggest challenges as a small business?
A: Raising a small business in this COVID-era environment is hard. Our biggest  challenge is lack of awareness. While there are many people who understand the benefits of our model, there are still community members who are unaware. With anything new and innovative, it feels like we are hitting an adoption curve. Another challenge is trying to introduce this new concept to our community during the pandemic.  As COVID-19 continues, many people are putting preventative care on hold and deferring common acute concerns.

Q: How has Lucy and the Waukesha County Center for Growth contributed to your success?
A: Lucy has been very supportive in our journey. She has been helping us network our business to the community as well as provide us with numerous resources to help grow our practice, whether be marketing support or connecting us with a few legal connections to assist with the business end of things.  Thanks Lucy, we love working with you!!

Q: What has been the most surprising part of the new business process?
A: As a tenured medical professional, who wants to help people get better (health)care, I was shocked to find the number of people who are unaware of the processes for a PA to start a clinic with this model, as this seems to be more prevalent in some other states (at least in NY where I am from).  We are probably delayed by a quarter just jumping between business consultants.  However, I think this business model in healthcare is gaining some momentum and that should hopefully not be a hurdle for others using this model.  So if anyone out there who needs help with this model, I will gladly help out!

Q: What is something you know now that you wish you would have known when you started?
A: The success is in the process to the end goal… as in carving a plan that leads to the end goal is just as or more important than the end goal.  Also true in terms of enjoyment, the process getting to the end goal gives more satisfaction than the end goal itself. As an example, I will never forget my journey in creating Care4Me Clinics… I have been constantly learning new things in fields that I never expected… from setting up a legal structure, video blogs to physically setting up my clinic and recruiting.  It is very exciting and memorable!

Q: What is your favorite part about being a small business owner?
A: My favorite part of running Care4Me Clinics is giving patients quality care and attention they deserve through a simplified approach prior to, during and after the onset of their symptoms. This helps me make my dream of enabling transparent, simple and effective healthcare to our community come true.

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