Center for Growth Celebrates Five Year Anniversary

The Waukesha County Center for Growth is proud to celebrate five years of supporting economic development in Waukesha County! 

Since the Center for Growth’s inception in 2016, the organization’s impact has been substantial. To date, the Center for Growth has worked with 90 businesses on expansions or new facilities in the county which have committed $262 million in capital expenditures and created over 1,975 jobs. 

“As our economy continues to recover from the effects of COVID-19, we truly believe Waukesha County is well positioned,” states Judie Taylor, executive director of economic development for the Waukesha County Center for Growth. “We are incredibly proud to celebrate five years of supporting economic growth in our region. As we look towards the future, we are committed to our mission of connecting businesses with the resources they need to growth in Waukesha County.” 

Over the last year and a half, the Center for Growth has focused our efforts on our main street/downtown areas of the municipalities we serve, where retail and restaurants have been the hardest hit. We have offered e-commerce and placemaking webinars and fostered economic development discussions around new trends to adapt and overcome the challenges of our changed world. Rest assured, the Waukesha County Center for Growth is at the forefront of economic development and continues to work diligently to connect businesses to the resources they need to thrive in Waukesha County. 

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