Denali Ingredients
Size of addition: 96,000 sq ft
Capital expenditure: $26.2 million
Expected job creation: 25
Denali Ingredients is the company that brings you Moose Tracks©, along with many other flavors, fruits, inclusions (think cookie dough), coatings and other ingredients to enhance your ice cream, custard and other food experiences.
Denali completed a major addition to its plant on Calhoun Road in New Berlin in 2017, but soon needed additional capacity. The Waukesha County Center for Growth met with Denali to assist in identifying potential sites and facilities. When a former food plant became available nearby, Denali moved to acquire it.
The Center for Growth met with Denali and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) to discuss financing options. WEDC was able to provide business tax credits to assist the acquisition, remodeling and equipping of the new plant. The plant will be ramping up for production in early 2019.
The Center for Growth and Waukesha County Business Alliance have worked with Denali for several years on workforce initiatives. Denali and other manufacturers have worked with the Joseph Project to bring workforce in from the inner city of Milwaukee. Denali joined with several other Waukesha County manufacturers to donate a van to the Joseph Project, which provides more opportunities for workers from Milwaukee to access jobs in our area.
Denali is more than just an ice cream manufacturer—it is a socially-conscious company that is invested in the local community, and we’re happy to see the business grow.
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